RFP LAS 2013 is now closed.
Submission of responses closed on Wednesday 9th January 2013.
In this process NAFC invited capable organisations to submit proposals for the supply of Large fixed wing Airtanker services (including supervision aircraft) to support bushfire fighting in Australia from 2013-14 onwards.
The process is known as the “Request for Proposals for Large Airtanker Services” or “RFP LAS 2013”.
The following documents are still available, for reference purposes, at the links on this page, under the “RFP Documents Download” area below:
(i) the Request for Proposals (RFP) document; and
(ii) the Specimen Contract on which proposals were based (note: this is the same Specimen Contract as used in NAFC’s parallel Invitation to Tender for Aerial Firefighting Services 2013+” process); and
(iii) the Large Airtanker Supplementary Contract Requirements document, which provides some additional information about the likely application of the Specimen Contract to Large Airtankers; and
(iv) the “How to Respond to the Request for Proposals for Large Airtanker Services 2013” guide; and
(v) a number of forms designed to be completed in either Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word:
Aircraft and Services – Aircraft Data Form (MS Excel form)
Aircraft and Services – Services and Pricing Form (MS Excel form)
Aircraft and Services – Large Airtanker Scenario Form (MS Word form).
These forms (along with other forms) comprised a key part of any response to this RFP. Because these forms include their own specific instructions, and in some cases are relatively complex, they were made available here. These forms, and the other response forms, were also available via the tender submission portal (see below), as proposers may have wished to download and become familiar with these particular forms early in the process.
Reference documents quoted in the RFP – such as NAFC Standards – are available at the Information page of the NAFC website.
The period for responding to the RFP has now closed.
Further enquiries regarding the content of the Request for Proposals, the Specimen Contract, the Large Airtanker Supplementary Contract Requirements document and the response forms should be directed to NAFC via email to tenders@nafc.org.au.
For probity and fairness reasons NAFC is not able to deal with telephone enquiries regarding this process.
If you have any difficulty accessing documents, the server may be busy. Please wait a little while and try again. If you continue to have problems email tenders@nafc.org.au.
RFP Documents Download
Request for Proposals (RFP LAS 2013)
Specimen Contract (ITT AFS 2013+)
Aircraft and Services – Aircraft Data Form (Response Form)
Aircraft and Services – Large Airtanker Scenario Form (Response Form)
RFP LAS 2013 Supplementary Contract Requirements
Aircraft and Services – Services and Pricing Form (Response Form)
How to Respond to Request for Proposals LAS 2013
03 January 2013
(Posted via the NAFC Electronic Tender Portal on 03 January 2013)
The majority of enquiries received by NAFC with regard to the Request For Proposals for Large Airtanker Services have been of an administrative nature or only affect individual proposers and do not require Addenda.
However please take note of the following matters:
Proposers are reminded that the Request For Proposals for Large Airtanker Services job in the NAFC Electronic Tender Portal is called ‘RFP LAS 2013’. This should not be confused with the now closed ‘ITT AFS 2013+’ job.
Please ensure that your organisation has completed the response and submitted as per the instructions beginning on page 30 of the ‘How to Respond to NAFC RFP LAS 2013’ guide.
Once your proposal has been successfully submitted the traffic light icon on the NAFC Electronic Tender Portal will indicate ‘green’ and you will receive a confirmation email from the system.
Proposers are able to amend proposals that have already been submitted as long as it is before the closing date. Proposers are reminded that if re opening and amending a proposal that they need to resubmit the proposal when it is complete.
For those organisations yet to submit final responses please be reminded that the RFP LAS 2013 closes 09 January 2013 at Australian EDT 1.00PM. Note that EDT is a daylight saving time/summer time zone and EDT is 11 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Proposers should carefully allow for any contingencies, particularly unexpected IT issues, when determining when to submit their proposals. Proposals cannot be submitted after the closing time.