Resource to Risk

Australia’s aerial firefighting fleet is a powerful tool in our fire and emergency response artillery.
The fleet is underpinned by powerful decision support tools and real time data that provides strategic insight to increase its impact.


The Resource to Risk project develops and delivers decision support tools to empower fire and emergency service agencies to deploy the best resource based on the risk. Leveraging the National Aerial Firefighting Centre’s existing resource awareness software ARENA, Resource to Risk supports planning allocation of aerial resources, coverage modelling, consolidated risk information and planning functions. Resource to Risk brings intelligence from across the emergency management sector to help agencies make informed decisions.

The Resource to Risk Project Phase 1 Proof of Concept:

  • Integrates risk-based decision-making into ARENA, used operationally in aerial firefighting deployment across Australia
  • Interfaces with the latest science delivered by the Australian Fire Danger Rating System
  • Provides a prototype aircraft coverage model
  • Delivers a new ARENA planning module to plan aircraft allocations up to five days in advance.

What’s next?

Phase 2 will build on the Phase 1 prototype work and compile additional data, research and evaluation of current information to deliver a robust model. It will include key components to explore evaluation and effectiveness measures to in-build into the tool.
This work is being conducted by AFAC National Projects and Innovation Directorate.

Resource to Risk flyer (PDF) download

This project is funded as part of the Australian Government National Aerial Firefighting Arrangements Grant.