Tenders closed on Thursday 06 December 2012.
In this process NAFC invited highly capable and experienced organisations to tender for the provision of a range of aerial services to support bushfire fighting in Australia.
The tender process was known as the “Invitation to Tender for Aerial Firefighting Services 2013 onwards” or “ITT AFS 2013+”.
The following tender documents will remain available for reference purposes, at the links on this page under the “Tender Documents Download ” area below:
(i) the Invitation to Tender (ITT) document; and
(ii) Appendix 1 to the ITT document, which is the Table of Services available for tender. NB The Table of Services is provided in two different formats – firstly as a PDF document and secondly as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The Excel spreadsheet was provided for convenience, as it allows the information to be sorted and filtered in different ways. The information in the two documents is the same.
Since this ITT was issued, the Specimen Contract has been revised. The current version of the Specimen Contract is available under the Updated Tender Documents Download area below.
Reference documents quoted in the ITT – such as NAFC Standards – are available at the Information page of the NAFC website.
The period for responding to ITT AFS 2013+ has closed.
Further enquiries regarding the content of the Invitation to Tender and the Specimen Contract should be directed to NAFC via email to
For probity and fairness reasons NAFC is not able to deal with telephone enquiries regarding this tender.
If you have any difficulty accessing documents, the server may be busy. Please wait a little while and try again. If you continue to have problems email
Tender Documents Download
How to Respond to ITT AFS 2013+
Invitation to Tender ITT AFS 2013+
ITT AFS 2013+ Table of Services as a PDF file
Updated Tender Documents Download
Specimen Contract (ITT AFS 2013+)
Updates and Addenda to ITT AFS 2013+
[Posted 05 December 2012]
The majority of enquires received by NAFC have been of an administrative nature or only affect individual tenderers and do not require Addenda
However please take note of the following issues:
[This information is also posted on the NAFC Electronic Tender Portal]
ADDENDA 2 (of 2) FOR ITT AFS 2013+
[Posted via the NAFC Electronic Tender Portal on 05 December 2012]
For those organisations yet to submit final responses please be reminded that the ITT AFS 2013+ closes 06 December at Australian EDT 2.00PM.
Note that EDT is a daylight saving time/summer time zone and EDT is 11 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Tender responses cannot be submitted after the closing time.
Please ensure that your organisation has completed the response and submitted as per the instructions on the ‘How to Respond to ITT AFS 2013+’ guide.
ADDENDA 1 (of 2) FOR ITT AFS 2013+
[Posted via the NAFC Electronic Tender Portal on 03 December 2012]
A single Tender response should be lodged for any single or multiple services.
As per Tender Response Parameters, Section 5.2 of Part A of the ITT document:
“Tenderers may tender for one or more of the individual Services listed in Appendix 1. The single tender response should include all of the Services being tendered and all of the options tendered for each Service. Only one tender response is permitted for each supplier.”
Also shown in the guide, ‘How to Respond to the Invitation to Tender Aerial Firefighting Services 2013+’ on page 7 notes:
“Tenderers may tender for one or more of the individual Services. A single tender response should include all of the Services being tendered and all of the options offered for each Service. Only one tender response is permitted for each Tenderer.”
NAFC has noted more than one response has been registered for a single Tenderer. Tenderers should check that they are only completing one response including all the information as shown in the ‘How to Respond…’ guide and noting the terms of participation detailed in the ITT document. Multiple tenders from the same organisation may be set aside.
Forms can also be accessed by clicking on the link to the form on the left-hand side of the relevant Tab. For example, the Aircraft and Services – Narrative and the Aircraft and Services – Calculations and Analysis forms can be accessed by clicking on the link in the left hand column of the Tab (refer to the diagram on page 23 of the How to Respond to the Invitation to Tender AFS 2013+ Guide). The link to the Aircraft and Services – Narrative section/form has the words “This section allo…” and the link to the Aircraft and Services – Calculations and Analysis section/form has the words “Complete the Calc…”.
NAFC Tenders has received a number of enquiries which could be categorised as the potential Tenderer asking for confirmation that their proposed approach will meet the requirements of particular section of the Invitation to Tender or clauses of the Specimen Contract. Generally it is not appropriate to provide further information regarding potential compliance with individual sections of the Invitation to Tender or clauses of the Specimen Contract. The tender process provides an opportunity for all potential suppliers to demonstrate their individual approach to achieving or exceeding compliance with various requirements of the tender and Specimen Contract – and in particular to demonstrate, where appropriate, their understanding of the requirements of the Contract, and their responsiveness and capacity for innovation.