NAFC RFP LAS 2018+ Request for Proposals
[Page last updated: 31 January 2018]
RFP LAS 2018+
Tenders closed on Wednesday 24 January 2018. Tenders can no longer be accepted.
Even though RFP LAS 2018+ is now closed, the tender documents for this RFP will remain available for reference purposes (see Tender Document Download area below).
The National Aerial Firefighting Centre (NAFC) invites highly capable and experienced organisations to propose the provision of a range of Large Airtankers to support the control of bushfires and management of other emergencies across Australia. The RFP also invites respondents to propose suitable associated supervision aircraft. NAFC intends to enter into contracts with successful proposers for the provision of services commencing in mid to late 2018 (for the 2018/2019 fire season)
Note: Proposals cannot be accepted after the closing time.
Proposal documents are available from the NAFC Electronic Tender Portal (Tenderlink). These include:
- Request for Proposal (RFP) document
- Appendix 1: the Table of Services available for proposer
- Appendix 2: Large Airtanker Services Supplementary Requirements
- Appendix 3: How to Use NAFC’s Electronic Tender Portal (TenderLink)
- Response Forms
- NAFC Specimen Contract, including Schedules on which to base tenders
The NAFC Standards and Guidance Notes quoted in the ITT are available at the Standards page of the NAFC website. (Click on the Information tab above and select Standards or click here to go directly to the Standards page.)
- Request for Proposals for Large Airtanker Services (including Appendix 2 and Appendix 3) (PDF)
- Appendix 1: Table of Services (PDF)
- Appendix 1: Table of Services (XLS)
- NAFC Specimen Contract 2018 (PDF)
Please carefully read the entire RFP document before preparing your proposal. When responding to questions in the RFP please ensure your response addresses the question asked.
Proposals must be submitted electronically using TenderLink. Proposers will need to be registered in the TenderLink in order to submit a tender.
To access TenderLink go here: and select the ‘RFS LAS 2018+’ proposal.
Appendix 3: How to Use TenderLink section of the RFP document steps users through the TenderLink registration and submission process. The submission process includes downloading a number of response forms from the portal, completing them and uploading these documents back to the tender portal.
Proposers will require access to recent versions of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel, running under Microsoft Windows to complete the response forms.
Further enquiries regarding the content of the Request for Proposal and the Specimen Contract should be directed to NAFC via email to
For probity and fairness reasons NAFC is not able to deal with telephone enquiries regarding this proposal.