Invitation to Tender for Aerial Firefighting Services 2021 Onwards (ITT AFS 2021+)


Tenders close at 16:00 AEST (4:00 pm) on Tuesday November 10, 2020.

The National Aerial Firefighting Centre (NAFC) invites highly capable and experienced organisations to tender for the provision of a range of aviation services to support the control of bushfires and management of other emergencies across Australia.

Tenders are invited for specific classes of rotary wing aircraft Services. NAFC intends to enter into contracts with successful tenderers for the provision of these specialised aircraft services commencing in mid to late 2021 (for the 2021/2022 fire season).

Tenders for ITT AFS 2021+ close at 16:00 AEST (4:00 pm) on Tuesday November 10, 2020. Tenders cannot be accepted after this time.
Note: Tenders cannot be accepted after the closing time.

Tender documents are available from the NAFC Electronic Tender Portal (Tenderlink). These include:
• Invitation to Tender (ITT) document
• Appendix 1: the Table of Services available for tender
• Appendix 2: How to Use NAFC’s Online Tender Portal (TenderLink)
• Appendix 3: How to Use NAFC’s ARENA system
• NAFC Specimen Contract on which to base tenders
The NAFC Standards and guidance notes quoted in the ITT are available at the Standards page of the NAFC website. Click here to go to the Standards page.

For convenience, copies of the following tender documents are also available for download:
Invitation to Tender (including Appendix 2 and Appendix 3) (PDF)
Appendix 1: the Table of Services (PDF)
Appendix 1: the Table of Services (XLSX)
NAFC Specimen Contract (PDF)

Please carefully read the entire ITT document before preparing your tender response. We recommend that you read through all information in its entirety before commencing preparation of a tender. When responding to questions in the ITT please ensure your response addresses the question asked.

Tenders must be submitted electronically using TenderLink. Tenderers will need to be registered in the TenderLink in order to submit a tender.
To access TenderLink go here: and select the ‘ITT AFS 2021+’ tender.
Appendix 2: How to Use TenderLink section of the ITT document steps users through the TenderLink registration and submission process. The submission process includes downloading a number of response forms from the portal, completing them and uploading these documents back to the tender portal.
Tenderers will require access to recent versions of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel, running under Microsoft Windows to complete the response forms.

Tenderers are required to enter their organisation and aircraft information into ARENA, NAFC’s web-based system used for supporting the use of aircraft for fire and emergency responses. Tenderers will need to be registered in the ARENA in order to enter aircraft information.
To access ARENA go here:
Appendix 3: How to Use ARENA, of the ITT document outlines how tenderers can complete this tender submission requirement.

Tenderers should post all enquiries regarding the content of the Invitation to Tender and the Specimen Contract via the TenderLink online forum system. If tenderers have difficulties doing this then their enquiry may be directed via email to
TenderLink system issues, difficulties or other queries about the use of the TenderLink system can be directed to TenderLink at 1800 233 533.
For probity and fairness reasons NAFC is not able to deal with telephone enquiries regarding this tender.